Мэдээ мэдээлэл
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Шинэ тоормосны дэвсгэр хэрхэн тохирч байна вэ?
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- Боломжит шалтгаанууд дараах байдалтай байна: Дэлгүүрт шалгахыг зөвлөж байна. 1, тоормосны буцах реминий бүтэлгүйтэл. 2. Improper clearance between brake pads and brake discs or too tight assembly size. 3, the brake pad thermal expansion performance is not qualified. 4, the hand bra...Цааш унших
- When the wheel is immersed in water, a water film is formed between the brake pad and the brake disc/drum, thereby reducing friction, and the water in the brake drum is not easy to disperse. Дискний тоормосны хувьд энэхүү тоормосны алдаа дутагдал нь илүү дээр юм. Учир нь тоормосны дэвсгэр ...Цааш унших
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Тоормосны дэвсгэрийг хэтэрхий хурдан өмсөхөд хүргэдэг вэ?
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- In high temperature weather, people are easy to "catch fire", and vehicles are also easy to "catch fire". Recently, I read some news reports, and the news about spontaneous combustion of cars is endless. What causes autoignition? Hot weather, brake pad smoke how to do? Т ...Цааш унших
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